Using BEPU (debug drawers) on VS version > 2010

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Using BEPU (debug drawers) on VS version > 2010

Post by JusTiCe8 »

Hi everyone,

here are XNA refreshed version for using VS > 2010 (the mandatory version to work with XNA GameStudio).
his is only for use with debug drawers of course, as BEPU itself can be use with (almost) any Visual Studio version.

Have fun.

EDIT: VS2013 (and probably some other version) suffer from an annoying issue leading to debugger process keep executable open for a while after you click on stop, so it's make impossible to do a change, test, another small change, test again, in a quite fast loop. I don't this issue on VS2010 despite some people report it since VS2003 I think. So use it at your own risk, you've been warned.
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