Ran into a DetectorVolume exception that started when I swapped in the latest development fork, looks like it might have been introduced there - I have a class that handles explosions using a low-poly sphere mesh as a detector volume and then applying forces to the objects it intersects:
Code: Select all
// Ask the broadphase system which entities are in the "explode" region.
new BoundingSphere( this.Position, this.ExplodeRadius ), m_AffectedEntries );
// Also, update detector volume for fine-grained overlap detection
m_SphereMesh.WorldTransform = new AffineTransform(
this.ExplodeRadius * new Vector3( 1, 1, 1 ), Quaternion.Identity,
this.Position );
m_SphereDetector.TriangleMesh.Data = m_SphereMesh;
// For each nearby collidable...
for ( int i = 0; i < m_AffectedEntries.Count; i++ ) {
// If this is a regular entity that intersects the detector...
EntityCollidable collidable = m_AffectedEntries[ i ] as EntityCollidable;
if ( collidable != null && collidable.Entity.IsDynamic &&
m_SphereDetector.IsEntityIntersectingVolume( collidable.Entity ) ) {
// ...applies forces based on radius, etc...
Call stack if it helps is:
BEPUphysics.dll!BEPUphysics.CollisionTests.CollisionAlgorithms.GeneralConvexPairTester.DoDeepContact(out BEPUphysics.CollisionTests.ContactData contact) Line 201 C#
BEPUphysics.dll!BEPUphysics.CollisionTests.CollisionAlgorithms.GeneralConvexPairTester.DoShallowContact(out BEPUphysics.CollisionTests.ContactData contact) Line 148 + 0x12 bytes C#
BEPUphysics.dll!BEPUphysics.CollisionTests.CollisionAlgorithms.GeneralConvexPairTester.GenerateContactCandidate(out BEPUphysics.CollisionTests.ContactData contact) Line 92 + 0xc bytes C#
BEPUphysics.dll!BEPUphysics.CollisionTests.Manifolds.GeneralConvexContactManifold.Update(float dt) Line 81 + 0x11 bytes C#
BEPUphysics.dll!BEPUphysics.NarrowPhaseSystems.Pairs.Type1PairHandler.UpdateCollision(float dt) Line 131 C#
BEPUphysics.dll!BEPUphysics.NarrowPhaseSystems.NarrowPhaseHelper.Intersecting(ref BEPUphysics.Collidables.CollidablePair pair) Line 221 C#
BEPUphysics.dll!BEPUphysics.UpdateableSystems.DetectorVolume.IsEntityIntersectingShell(BEPUphysics.Entities.Entity entity, System.Collections.Generic.IList<int> intersectedTriangleIndices) Line 308 + 0x9 bytes C#
BEPUphysics.dll!BEPUphysics.UpdateableSystems.DetectorVolume.IsEntityIntersectingShell(BEPUphysics.Entities.Entity entity) Line 279 + 0xf bytes C#
BEPUphysics.dll!BEPUphysics.UpdateableSystems.DetectorVolume.IsEntityIntersectingVolume(BEPUphysics.Entities.Entity entity) Line 224 + 0x43 bytes C#
Let me know if you see anything obvious/quick there - otherwise I can maybe dig into the source a bit and figure out what's happening.