Make a public discord server

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Make a public discord server

Post by swaelo »

I think a place to have live conversations with people would be super beneficial to the community of Bepu Physics users.
If people were in need of help with the engine or needed to ask quick questions then a discord server would be the perfect way to get a fast answer from other people who are online at the same time.
Also, discord would give us voice channels to be able to talk to each other in, and in discord its much easier to send each other pictures and videos compared to posting them in the forum here
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Re: Make a public discord server

Post by Norbo »

I've considered it, but there are a couple of problems. The bepuphysics community isn't exactly large- there usually wouldn't be anyone else to talk to, unless I was hanging around- and discord chats aren't externally searchable (as far as I'm aware?). Anything that happens within them won't be found by someone else googling.

And I generally prefer the asynchronous threaded communication of forums for my own use- live chat tends to pose problems for productivity :)

This doesn't mean I'll never set one up, but right now I think it'd just be a ghost town.
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Re: Make a public discord server

Post by JumboTree »

I highly second this, Discord would also be super useful for text chat mainly. Especially since members can QUICKLY access the server due to notifications and help eachother out. I think the biggest thing is that the super easy accessibility would make it less of a ghost town.
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Re: Make a public discord server

Post by Norbo »

Well, I guess I'll give it a shot:

I'll still be mainly here on the forum (and on github) for long form stuff, but I might pop in occasionally.
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